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Search Results for "Book-launch: Festschrift for Mark Juergensmeyer"
Book-launch: Festschrift for Mark Juergensmeyer
Book Launch - A New Reform Paradigm | Festschrift in Honour of Isher Judge Ahluwalia
FCSR Dialogue on Nonviolence and Terrorism with Dr. Mark Juergensmeyer
Conversations in Sikh Studies with Dr. Mark Juergensmeyer & Dr. Anshu Malhotra
Mark Juergensmeyer - Three tensions in global studies (UCSB Global Studies Colloquium)
Presidential Address: Mark Juergensmeyer SD
BOOK LAUNCH: Translations of security
Conversations in Sikh Studies with Dr. Juergensmeyer and Dr. Pashaura Singh
Book launch - Will China Rule the World?
Violence and the Religious Imagination
Sikhism's Emergence in Context
The Impact of the Islamic State on Terrorism Research